View more About Siam International Fireworks Co., Ltd.

01 // Our History
02 // Our Mission
03 // Our Client
04 // Our Philosophy


Industry Background : Fireworks or pyrotechnics displays are the combination of arts and science, comparable to delightful lyrics of musical compositions which need be spectacular, enchanting, glamorous, exciting, electrifyingly spellbound, rhythmic and memorable. But most importantly, all integrations must be well refined in every detail.

However, all resultant beauties usually stem out from dreadful substances; gun or black powder which explosions propelled the consequences and subsequences of further explosions resulting in manipulated patterns and styles airbourne. That is why fireworks displays must always be operated by certified or professional pyro-technicians, since safety measures and precautions have been of prime and prior importance.

So to say, for SIFCO, beauty and safety must go hand in hand; whereas precision, punctuality, coordination, and good management will lead to customer total satisfactions.

These are critical success factors that help position SIFCO above competitions now that there are so many rival operators in the trade. But only customers calling for premium quality and supreme performances in fireworks extravaganzas would trust us as preferred operator.

Our Business :

SIFCO manufactures, imports, supplies to both domestic and overseas markets, as well as operating fireworks displays